I commented last night on Global TV during Ted Chernecki's Dollars and Sense series. The comment outlined a much bigger problem - well-intentioned policies often have very destructive results.
What happens when government sees a problem? It tries to do something about it, and that something sometimes results in a new Crown Corporation.
One of those Crown Corporations is the First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council. This Crown has the mandate to ensure aboriginal languages don't become extinct. I has been around for 20 years, spent about $1 million per year, and now, aboriginal languages are becoming extinct.
It is, of course, clamouring for more money. But will other peoples' money help save aboriginal languages in the future when it hasn't in the past?
It's time to judge policies by their results, not their intentions. If people truly value aboriginal languages, they have to take responsibility themselves. They can't pass responsibility off onto someone else.
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