Thursday, June 23, 2011

Regional district spending is out of control

If you feel like you are paying more but getting less, it's in part because you are paying for the lifestyle of someone else.

Find out how in my article in the Province newspaper here.


  1. Hi Maureen,
    Thank you for your article. It was an eye opener for British Columbians and the Government of British Columbia. However, your article fell short of exposing the board of directors whose financial rewards and spending on "travel expenses" at the expense of the tax payers are excessive. The Board of Directors remuneration of more than $900,000 per year is exuberant at a time when the majority of British Columbians are struggling to meet their needs. For example, the travel expenses for David Cadman amounted to $59,000 in two years (paid by Metro Vancouver).

    Fortunately for you, you do not work for Metro Vancouver. When I raised the issue of mismanagement of public funds with Johnny Carline and the Board while working at Metro Vancouver, they were not satisfied with just terminating my job, they forced me out of a career I was dedicated to and obtained highest education and expertise in the environmental field. In upper management positions, references are very important. Toivo Alas did not hesitate to lie to prevent me from getting hired until I threatened to sue Johnny Carline and Toivo Alas.

    It is time for British Columbians to realize the wasteful management of public funds by Johnny Carline and the members of the board which consists of councilors and mayors of the municipality members of the district. It is time to "double dipping" and for the Provincial Government to stop the bleeding of the taxpayers' money at Metro Vancouver.

  2. For me personally I hold the Provincial Government responsible for this as they as so lazy they will hopefully end up such as Mulroney or Duceppe's parties who self destructed; they wholehartadly deserve this.

    John G
